
Start your business system using this account creation.


  1. The first thing that you will see once you get in is the -If you are a business partner Please login here- 앱을 실행시키시고 "If you are a business partner Please login here" 클릭하세요. 계정 생성과 가게 생성이 진행됩니다.

  2. Once you get in enter down your phone number. 전화번호를 입력해주세요

  3. Then an authentication code will be sent to you in your messages according to the phone number you entered down. 인증코드가 전화번호로 전송됩니다. 인증코드를 입력해주세요

  4. Then you will see a button that says "My Stores" to start registration. 인증이 완료되면 My Stores 버튼을 클릭하여 영업장 등록을 시작해주세요

      1. Please enter your Store's name. 영업장 이름을 입력해 주세요.

      2. Then you will enter the name(s) of the Proprietor (the owner of the business) 사업자 대표 이름을 넣어주세요. 손님 영수증에 이름이 나타납니다.

      3. Then you will enter the business registration number. 사업자 번호를 넣어주세요. 손님 영수증에 사업자 번호가 나타납니다.

      1. Enter the store's address which includes Postal Code, Street Address, City Name and the state you are in. 주소를 입력해주세요

      1. Then you will enter your personal phone number. 사업장 전화번호를 입력해주세요.

      1. Turn it On if the store is for Take-out only and does not offer dine-in. 매장 식사가 없는 Take-out 전용일 경우 On을 해줍니다.

      2. For Phone Number Orders, if the store is Takeout-only and Phone Number Orders are enabled, customers can place orders online. When placing an order, customers will be required to verify their phone number. When they come to pick up their order, the last three digits of their phone number will be used to verify their identity, and the food will be handed to them accordingly. Phone Number Order는 Takeout 전용 매장일 경우, Phone Number Order가 가능하게 해주게 되면, 손님이 Online으로 주문이 가능합니다. 손님이 주문할때 전화번호 인증을 받게 되어, 주문한 음식을 찾으러 올때 전화번호 뒤에 3자리 숫자를 가지고, 해당손님을 확인하고 음식을 내어줍니다.

      1. If the customer wants to pay in advance, please turn ON "Does your store require pre-payment?" 손님이 선불로 지불 하기를 원하시면, "Does your store require pre-payment?"를 ON 해주세요.

      2. If the customer wants to pay directly using their mobile phone, please turn ON "Does your store support self-checkout?" 손님이 직접 모바일폰으로 바로 결제를 원하시면, "Does your store support self-checkout?"을 ON 해주세요.

      3. if the customer wants to prepay but pay at the counter, set:

        • Does your store require pre-payment? -> ON

        • Does your store support self-checkout? -> OFF

        If the customer wants to prepay and pay directly using their mobile phone, set:

        • Does your store require pre-payment? -> ON

        • Does your store support self-checkout? -> ON

        This is how you should configure the settings. 즉, 선불이지만 카운터에서 결재하기를 원하시면, Does your store require pre-payment? -> ON Does your store support self-checkout? -> OFF 손님이 선불로 결제하면서, 모바일로 직접 결재하기를 원하시면, Does your store require pre-payment? -> ON Does your store support self-checkout? -> ON 로 설정해주시면 되십니다.

  5. Then you will have to wait for the admin to approve your store's account. BOBORDER사용료 지불이 확인되면 승인이 자동적으로 이루어집니다.

Last updated