Surcharge Management

What is Surcharge Management?

Surcharge Management is where you will inform or notice a user or customer about a certain extra funds or payments due to a special event.

To create Surcharge, follow these steps:

  1. Access Surcharge Management by navigating to the three bars located top corner > Surcharge Management.

  1. Category

    1. Base Surcharge : This uses for imposing additional charges on specific dates such as weekends or holidays.

    2. Credit Card Surcharge : This uses for imposing additional charges on card payments. When a customer proceeds with payment using a card, the amount including the surcharge should be displayed.

    3. Stripe Surcharge : When customers make payments using their mobile devices for self-checkout, they can set the card transaction fees that will be incurred.

  2. Click on the Plus Button located in the right of the screen to start creating a new surcharge.

  3. Fill out the required sections as follows:

    1. Surcharge Title : The title of the surcharge. It will be displayed only to administrator.

    2. Surcharge Type :

      1. Public holiday (Western Australia) : On dates designated as public holidays, a surcharge is automatically applied.

        1. Check Public Holiday : Click on show calendar

      2. Weekend : It is applied automatically every weekend.

      3. Custom(Dates) : It is automatically applied on specified dates.

      4. Custom(Period) : It is automatically applied on specified period.

    3. Surcharge Rate : The rate of surcharge

    4. Surcharge Description : The description for the surcharge. It will be displayed to customers

    5. Exceptional Dates : Dates within the set period or on specific dates when you want to exempt surcharge application.

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